使用PowerShell脚本管理Hyper-V宿主机上的虚机网卡访问ACL规则 | Word Count: 706 | Reading Time: 3mins | Post Views:
使用PowerShell脚本管理Hyper-V宿主机上的虚机网卡访问ACL规则 前情
The Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl cmdlet creates an extended access control list (ACL) for a virtual network adapter. The ACL allows or denies access to a virtual machine network adapter for network packets based on source IP address, destination IP address, protocol, source port, and destination port.
脚本实现 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Magenta '请输入要配置防火墙规则的虚机计算机名(如:VLNX******)' [String ]$VM_Name = Read-Host Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Magenta '请输入目标虚机的宿主机名(如:PHPV******)' [String ]$VM_HostName = Read-Host $VM_Gateway = 192.168 .100.254 $VM_ADcontrl1 = 192.168 .100.1 $VM_ADcontrl2 = 192.168 .100.2 $VM_SecAdmin = 192.168 .100.10 $VM_Firewall = { param ($VM_Name ) Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name | Remove-VMNetworkAdapterAcl Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name | Remove-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Deny -Direction Inbound -RemoteIPAddress ANY -Weight 1 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Deny -Direction Outbound -RemoteIPAddress ANY -Weight 1 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Inbound -Protocol 1 -Weight 2 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -Protocol 1 -Weight 2 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Inbound -RemoteIPAddress Any -Protocol tcp -LocalPort 22 -Weight 4 -Stateful $true Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_Gateway -Protocol tcp -Weight 5 -Stateful $true Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_Gateway -Protocol udp -Weight 6 -Stateful $true Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_ADcontrl1 -Weight 10 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_ADcontrl2 -Weight 11 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Inbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_ADcontrl1 -Weight 10 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Inbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_ADcontrl2 -Weight 11 Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_SecAdmin -Protocol tcp -RemotePort 1514 -Weight 20 -Stateful $true Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -RemoteIPAddress $VM_SecAdmin -Protocol tcp -RemotePort 1515 -Weight 21 -Stateful $true dd-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -Protocol tcp -RemotePort 80 -Weight 100 -Stateful $true Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -Protocol tcp -RemotePort 443 -Weight 101 -Stateful $true Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Inbound -Protocol tcp -LocalPort 10085 -Weight 150 -Stateful $true Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name -Action Allow -Direction Outbound -Protocol tcp -RemotePort 9088 -Weight 150 -Stateful $true Get-VMNetworkAdapterAcl -VMName $VM_Name | Sort -Property Weight |ft -autosize Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMName $VM_Name | Sort -Property Weight |ft -autosize } Invoke-Command -ComputerName $VM_HostName -ScriptBlock $VM_Firewall -ArgumentList $VM_Name